The current year is passing very quickly, it’s not too early to start planning for a smooth year-end. By taking steps now, you can reduce the added stress of the coming holidays – they will be here before you know it!
Incorporate your resolutions into your planning and make them happen!
There is always so much to do during December, but by taking the time now, you work to accomplish property management year-end tasks effectively.
There are many reasons to be prepared, but perhaps the most pressing one is that those pesky tax forms must be completed, such as 1099’s, W-2’s, and more. It also is a good time to review other items, such as insurance policies, personnel forms, policy manuals, and more. You can even use this time to plan for new projects for the next year. You cannot revise everything in December, but you can plan for important tasks to complete in the calmer months of the first quarter of the year.
What is the easiest way to plan for year-end? Use a checklist to track all the items you need to accomplish. Our Stop the Fires! A Checklist System for Property Management product includes a year-end checklist (along with 39 other property management checklists) that will help you get started. Remember, like all LandlordSource documents, it is fully customizable. Just add items you do not see, modify others as necessary, and delete those that you do not use. The checklists are Microsoft Word® tables, so just tab from field to field to use them.
Put everything on your calendar. After you complete your year-end checklist, set up your calendar to accommodate it. Then, as the remainder of the year progresses, you will see when to schedule around these important tasks.
Get your staff on board with this task. Now that you have planned this out, sit down with your staff and let them in on what is coming and how it will be easier with planning. Assign tasks, get feedback on your plan, and discuss any issues on how to accomplish everything. It will make it easier for them to enjoy their holiday season as well.
Review monthly with your team. The months fly by and before you know it, you are right in the middle of the holiday season – think of how fast this year is already going. Schedule time in your personnel meetings to review this year’s progress.
Don’t wait – it takes little time to plan for the last quarter but can save valuable time later. End the year calmly and look forward to a successful new year.
Jean Storms, MPM® is the founder/author of LandlordSource and has been a NARPM® member since January 1993.
Disclaimer: LandlordSource does not represent the article content in this website as legal advice. It is shared information only and up to the reader to use this information responsibly, seeking legal advice as necessary to their business.
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