This is my first article as the new owner of Landlord Source and I have been thinking a lot about what 2017 is going to look like.  I keep asking myself, “This time next year what do I want to have accomplished?”  What will have happened for me to say, “I had a successful year?” I am committed to 2017 being my Best Year Yet!

Change, even good change, causes stress but stress can be positive.  It pushes us to stretch ourselves. If we aren’t growing, we are stagnating and that isn’t a good place to be personally or professionally. If you attended any NARPM events this year and picked up a few good ideas I ask you, “Have you implemented any of them?”  If you have, Congratulations for taking Action.  If you haven’t, what got in the way of that great idea?

Don’t let 2017 be another of year of great ideas that have gone nowhere.

I would like to ask you to make a commitment to yourself to focus your energy on ONE important task which if done will make everything else easier.  Here are some thoughts:

  • Maybe it is cleaning up your email and committing to only checking it 2 times a day.
  • Maybe it is meeting with your staff one-to-one monthly.
  • Maybe it is hiring a sales person to help you grow your business more quickly.
  • Maybe it is spending weekends with your family and not working.
  • Maybe it is scheduling your calendar for the year.
  • Maybe it is getting the courage to increase your management fees.
  • Maybe it is getting the courage to fire that employee who just isn’t the right fit.

My commitment to myself for 2017 is to be Curious.

Yes, I have walked in your shoes as a property manager and business owner since 2005 but I want to hear your challenges and to learn what has worked for you.  I don’t claim to have all the answers.  I learn daily from my staff, clients, the property management industry at large, and from you. Collaboration is powerful.  There is no need to Reinvent the Wheel. Knowing you aren’t alone and the wisdom that comes from sharing encourages us to be our best selves.

Landlord Source has great products to help you systematize, organize, and build a great company but it still takes effort and commitment to make it happen.  As a Coach I am here to keep the motivation going when times get tough.  I have personally used Landlord Source products from the very beginning of my company, and I refer coaching clients to Landlord Source products to kick start their organizations.

I am excited about 2017 and supporting all of you to get more bang for the buck out of your business and even get a life.

Please share with me what your ONE commitment to yourself is going to be for 2017.  There is power in sharing it. As an incentive I will enter everyone who shares their commitment into a raffle to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card, which will be selected on February 10, 2017.

I wish all of you the most amazing 2017. May it be your Best Year Yet!

Kathleen Richards, is the owner of LandlordSource, The Property Management Coach, and Portola Property Management. She has authored Property Management A-Z, and teaches regularly at community colleges and conferences about property management. She has been active in her field and holds professional designations as Master Property Manager (MPM®) and Residential Management Professional (RMP®) from NARPM®. Kathleen has served at the local and state level on the boards for NARPM® (National Association of Residential Property Managers).

Disclaimer: LandlordSource does not represent the article content in this website as legal advice. It is shared information only and up to the reader to use this information responsibly, seeking legal advice as necessary to their business.