Property Management Systems for Owners, Tenants, & Vendors, $165
As a property manager, you manage relationships as well as properties! Good systems for working with owners, tenants, and vendors are critical to your success. You can rest assured that you’ve communicated critical information to them and provided them with easy to use reference manuals. (view outlines, excerpts, and form lists below)
- Impress and educate your owners with your knowledge and efficiency. Promote loyalty, retain accounts, and attract more referrals.
- Help your tenants get off to a good start by establishing and communicating expectations. Well-educated tenants save your staff time and headaches.
- Good vendors help you service more properties and maintain profitability for your owners. Use the vendor system to establish work processes and standards.
This product includes 3 systems:
- the owner manual + 9 owner forms
- the tenant manual + 9 tenant forms
- the vendor manual + 9 vendor forms
- product instructions
Products are non-transferable. Only the buyer or buyer’s representatives are authorized to modify and use the purchased content.