A Roadmap to Organizing Professional Property Management
Organization is critical to operating a successful property management company. However, many company owners don’t take time to develop the organization systems needed to improve company image, reduce risk, and increase profits. This guide will help.
A Roadmap to Organizing Professional Property Management will provide direction so you can create, establish, and maintain organization for your property management business. Use it to evaluate successes & failures in your current business, create systems to improve company performance, and to educate your existing management team or build a new one.
This product includes:
- A Roadmap to Organizing Professional Property Management – a PDF instructional manual
- 24 customizable Microsoft Word® forms for completing organizational tasks and/or exercises
- 2 PDF informational forms and instructions
PM Made Easy products are copyright protected and non-transferable. Only the buyer or buyer’s representatives are authorized to modify and use the purchased content.
Manual Format: The Roadmap to Organizing Professional Property Management is a PDF guidebook to walk you through how to organize your office and teams. The Guidebook is not a customizable document.
What is the purpose of this product?
Most companies benefit from using common sense organizational practices to avoid problems or lost business plus systems that are inherent to their particular industry. Property Management is an industry that requires a lot of organization to operate successfully and avoid high risk.
The problem is that many business owners do not stop to look at the whole picture of what can improve their organization, which in turn will improve their company image and bottom line. The focus of A Roadmap to Organizing Property Management” is to provide that view to business owners and property managers.
This product will cover information to create, establish, and maintain organization every day in the real estate/property management business.
What is NOT the intention of this product?
This product does NOT give you a model for setting up the physical or virtual office. It does not address state licensing, building procurement, creating a business plan, procuring an accounting program, devising a marketing plan, etc.
Product Instructions: All PM Made Easy products include the 25+ pages of Product Instructions in a PDF Format. It is important to read the Product Instructions designed to save hours of time and frustration. Make sure to save an original copy and place in a secure location.
Forms: With this product, there are currently 24 customizable forms, 2 pdf forms
Chapter 1 Key Points Of The Journey. 14
♦ Four key areas of organization. 14
- Analyzing Organization. 14
- Four Basic Rules of Organization. 14
- Time Management and Organization. 14
- Property Management Systems. 14
Chapter 2 Determine Your Starting Point 15
Chapter 3 Choose Your Destination. 16
♦ What is your destination?. 16
♦ Decide on your destination (company goal) 17
♦ What is the estimated time until your arrival?. 18
♦ Do you have a team in place to help make your destination?. 19
Chapter 4 Understanding The Landscape. 22
♦ What defines professional organization. 22
♦ Important questions to ask. 23
- Is organization a priority for you and/or your business?. 23
- Is there calm or chaos in the rest of your life. 23
- Is there a cohesive environment?. 23
- Do you have the right tools?. 23
- Do you have good systems?. 23
- If you have personnel, do they like their jobs?. 23
- Do you take vacation time?. 23
- Can you take a true vacation?. 23
- Can you take a vacation without a nervous breakdown?. 23
♦ What defeats the success of organization?. 23
- Lack of care, commitment 23
- Lack of knowledge. 24
- Lack of systems, tools. 24
- Lack of down time or vacation time. 24
- Procrastination. 24
- Then there is ATTITUDE. 24
- Can you personally organize the trip (tasks, systems, etc.)?. 25
- What are your strengths regarding organization?. 25
- What are you weaknesses regarding organization?. 25
- Recognize that it is OK to lack organizational skills. 25
- Three steps to take if you do not have organizational capabilities. 25
♦ Avoid/change self-defeating behaviors. 26
- Do not plan or do too much! 26
- Rule your to-do list – Don’t let your to-do list rule you. 26
- Limit constant checking of your technology. 26
- Be flexible. 27
- Reduce multi-tasking. 27
- Assign tasks. 28
- Do nothing. 28
- Meditate. 28
- Observe and enjoy nature. 28
- Exercise and eat well 29
- Get adequate sleep. 29
- Create enjoyable pastimes. 29
- Do things for others. 29
- Laugh. 29
- Spread optimism.. 29
- UNPLUG! 30
- Take a vacation. 30
Chapter 5 Observe The Rules Of The Road. 32
♦ There are four basic rules of the road. 32
- Lose the “what if I need it” syndrome. 32
- Unclutter every area in your life. 33
- Tackle the most important areas first. 33
- Four basic ways to unclutter/eliminate. 33
- Prevent clutter before it happens. 34
- Complete every day action items that “could become clutter”’ 35
- Avoid items in your inbox never going “out.”. 35
- When to file. 35
- Set up an efficient filing system.. 35
- Scan and file. 36
- Train your team on the filing system.. 36
♦ Make these rules daily habits. 38
Chapter 6 Organize Your Time On The Road. 39
♦ Remember two important premises. 39
- There is NOT enough time to do everything in life. 39
- There IS enough time to do everything that truly matters to you. 39
♦ Steps to organize the workday. 39
- Practice the four rules of organization. 39
- Use an effective anti-virus system.. 40
- Run an efficient and reliable backup system.. 40
- Plan a “temporary system” for emergency situations. 41
- Use an effective to-do-list 41
- Work in blocks of time. 43
- Maintain a positive work environment 43
- Avoid too many sticky notes. 44
- Use a system to process paperwork in your workplace. 44
- Avoid the password/software nightmare. 44
- Use emails to increase your efficiency. 45
- Add and use simple technologies. 46
- Make time to improve your computer performance. 47
- At the end of the day. 48
Chapter 7 Map Your Destinations. 49
♦ What qualifies as a system?. 49
♦ What are reasons for creating systems?. 50
Complete the property management office organization. 50
- Create continuity within the business. 50
- Reduce/eliminate chaos or “fires” before they erupt or handle them if they do. 50
- Support Fair Housing and all legislation related to the property management company. 50
♦ What elements support a system?. 50
♦ What elements complete a property management system?. 51
♦ Do you have similar problems with some of your systems?. 52
♦ How do you determine what systems you need?. 52
♦ Examining property management organization. 53
♦ Use charts for mapping cycles and systems. 53
♦ There are different types of charts. 54
- Charts help build the structure of your company. 54
- Charts can analyze why problems exist and lay out solutions. 54
- Charts help train your team.. 54
- Charts help team members understand their responsibilities. 54
- Charts can help ascertain personnel problems. 54
♦ The Ideal 30-day Property Management Cycle. 55
♦ New Owner/Property Cycle. 57
♦ Break down the basic tenant cycle into systems. 59
♦ Mapping Edmond’s problem.. 59
♦ Map a cycle and system for your company. 61
Chapter 8 Choose the Right Means of Transportation. 63
- Create forms, letters, or agreements to handle every situation. 63
- Create forms, letters, or agreements to enable systems. 63
- Evaluate your forms periodically and implement new ones when needed. 63
- Create checklists to enable systems. 63
- Reevaluate the checklist if there is a malfunction. 63
- Evaluate your checklists periodically and implement new ones when needed. 63
- Use manuals to educate all your clientele and your team.. 63
- Use manuals to promote risk management and protect your company. 63
- Evaluate your manuals periodically, update, and add more if necessary. 64
- Talk with your team and see if they have ideas on this subject. 64
- Watch the ads that appear in your newspaper or in your emails. 64
- Attend industry trade shows to see what is available. 64
- Attend industry events; talk with other business owners/property managers. 64
♦ Remember, you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”. 64
Chapter 9 Invest in Your Journey. 65
♦ Along the way, handle the roadblocks. 66
♦ After you reach your destination, review your trip. 66
Chapter 11 Use the Roadmap Tools. 67
- Six Word Review.. 67
- Company Goal Map. 67
- Evaluating the Team.. 67
- Analyzing Organization. 67
- Vacation Planner. 67
- Office Vacation Checklist 67
- File Plan Mapping. 67
- Backup System Checklist 67
- Temporary Emergency System Checklist 67
- To-Do List 67
- Return To-Do List 67
- Email Netiquette Checklist 67
- Email Agreement 67
- Computer Time Savers. 67
- Microsoft Word® Tools. 67
- Property Management Cycles. 67
- System Checklist 68
- System Map 1. 68
- System Map 2. 68
- Forms Review.. 68
- Checklist Review.. 68
- Manual Review.. 68
- The Wheel 68
- Reviewing the Trip. 68
Chapter 2 Determine Your Starting Point
It may be that you have an existing real estate/property management company or you want to start a new property management company. Take a moment to reflect on where the origin of your journey will be.
Are you redefining an existing company?
Perhaps you are already operating a real estate/property management company. You could have basic organization in place but you need much more. On the other hand, you may have chaos and mayhem plaguing your company. As you read and use this product, think of the process as recreating roadmaps (systems) and redefining destinations (goals) for your company.
- Do you have basic organization?
- Do you have good systems in place?
- Can you see areas where there are consistently difficult problems?
- Is your company a pleasant cohesive environment?
- Does your team work together?
You have to decide where your starting point before you can travel onward. Chapter 3 will also assist in answering these questions.
Are you starting a new property management company?
If this is your starting point, you have the opportunity to set up effective systems and documentation that will save you hours of time and money while you are accomplishing your goals. You have a fresh panorama on which you can construct a well-defined plan of action.
- Have you chosen what type, what size, and which location you wish to have for your management company?
- Do you have the proper qualifications and funding for running the business?
- Are you committed to the time and budget it requires to organize a professional property management company?
The property management business is a great business but it takes work and dedication. Choose your goals carefully but remember that you will have stops and starts while setting up professional property management. However, you can always backtrack and redo your steps if necessary while you are on your trip to organization and success.
No matter what your starting point, don’t skip any of the four key areas for organizing – analyzing organization, basic rules of organization, time management and organization, and property management systems.
The following chapters will help you plan and organize a new business.
Chapter 3 Choose Your Destination
How do you plan a trip without having a destination?
What is your destination?
There are times when you can take a trip with the attitude that wherever your journey ends is fine and you don’t need a planned destination. If your trip is a vacation just for fun and enjoyment, this can work. However, this is not a practical way to run a business. It is much more productive to have goals (destinations) in mind.
Habit two of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has the phrase “begin with the end in mind.” That should be your ultimate destination (goal) and the first place you should focus.
With a road trip, you may take some detours or decide on an alternate destination, but you should still set a goal. It is the same in business – you need to know where you want to go so you can plan your trip.
Mary wants her existing company that manages 150 properties to be the best and largest single-family residential property management company in her city.
Joe is starting a property management company, using a home office with a goal of managing approximately 80-100 single-family homes, outsourcing some tasks to responsible services and/or independent contractors.
Both scenarios require an organized plan. The ultimate destination (goal) is making a certain profit while offering professional property management.
It can be useful to compare the company roadmap (end goal) to that of a grand trip around the world. A large trip is going to involve making many smaller road trips.
Think of organizing the many facets of property management into several smaller road trips (goals). Breaking down the major task of total company organization or reorganization into smaller ones will make the journey more manageable. See how it applies to our two scenarios above.
In order for Mary’s company to be the best single-family residential property management company in her city, she needs to break the complete trip down into planning a realistic budget, motivating her existing team, planning an aggressive marketing program, and develop effective systems to professionally service new and existing accounts.
For Joe to put a new company in place, he has to set up an overall plan with an adequate budget, procure reliable services, have a plan for procuring new accounts, and develop systems to manage them efficiently.
Both companies need to use the same basic methods to break down the larger goal into smaller ones. This product covers the tools, including exercises and forms, to accomplish this.
Decide on your destination (company goal)
To begin “with the end in mind” (and you must have one), you have to plan your destination. Then as you are working on organizing professional property management, you will focus on achieving that result.
The Coach (Earnest Oriente, Power Hour), invites business owners to put what prospective parties should expect from their property management company into six words! Some of the answers he received were what you would expect – professional, quality, efficient, effective, affordable, excellence, sterling reputation, and more.
Can YOU put together a mere six words on what you want your company to project?
Let’s say that you accomplish this task to your satisfaction and this now is your company motto that circulated everywhere. That’s great, but here is THE question. What does everyone truly experience when interacting with your company? To answer this, you need to review every area of your business – personnel, physical office, telephone service, website, marketing, documentation, maintenance, vacancy record, tenancy, owner interaction, and more.
To help you, I have created a form to use for this exercise, The Six Word Company Review. It requires you to create a six-word saying for your company and then rate various areas of your business. Below is how you use the document.
- Change the sample wording to what is applicable.
- Add, delete, or modify the areas on the form to fit your operation
- Then give each area a rating; total the outcome
- Ask each person on your team to perform an evaluation. If you are an office of one, ask your support team – vendors, services, family, or friends to help you with this task.
- Schedule an office meeting and discuss the results with your team
- Devise a plan to change what is necessary to meet your six word description
It is important to be brutally honest about every area of your business when you tackle this exercise. This exercise may lead to positive changes in your business and reveal the need to introduce better systems/service (discussed in chapters 7 and 8).
Stop here and use Form 1, the Six-Word Review. Then when you finish reading the rest of this product, review your answers and see if you need revisions.